after the building had already been construct- ed, pieces of construction were cut out of the volume and replaced with coloured plas- tic. The authors have chosen an unusual cov- erage of the facade, which has a texture like that one of Lego parts, and according to the authors it fulfils complex requirements, such as structural informality, constant change of layouts, dematerialization of volume, and ac- curate calculations of space density. Deforma- tion against the context, the context of sur- rounding buildings in particular, leads to the fact that the building becomes a core of the already existing composition. Proper applica- tion of basic fundamentalism allows arranging space as well, and in many cases better than those loosely spreading decorations that make contemporary architecture legitimate. object Сentre for autonomous control of pa- risian transport (RATP) | place Paris, France | design started december 2003 | construc- tion completed june 2007 | сlient RATP (R é gie autonome des transports parisiens) | architects Emmanuel COMBAREL Domin- ique MARREC Architects (ECDM) | area 2450 square meters
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