the function of form | Paris, france | ecDm | rAtP | photo by Beno î t fouGei- roL – Philippe ruAuLt | text by eugenia Bakhturova Even though the form and the function have been declared to be inseparable, they rarely meet, and their areas overlap even rarer. For some or other reason it is conventionally re- garded that museums, theatres and other cul- tural institutions, or at least private residences should possess exuberant shapes. As to office premises and institutions of all sorts, it is only Will Alsop who tries to refine them with the help of wondrous and not always appropriate blotches. Certainly, one can say that about the majority of projects; while sometimes there are successful experiments, where authors do not deny the functionality of buildings, but still try not to shape it into structures looking like prefabricated boxes. We should make a remark
94 ТАТЛИН_news №1(43)54_2008
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