Sakhnovsky seems to be our brother journalist, although by his education he is «only» a philologist. On the other hand, our voracious profession has not devoured him completely, nor has it spoilt the taste and – what is most important – it has not flushed out Mrs. Good Luck. In the age of about 25–26 it appeared in the similitude of «Molodaya Gvardia» – a publishing house, which in those times nobody yet think of reproaching for their political predilections. It means that his very first poetic publications were released on a highest possible level for a Soviet provincial. Later were selections in other Ural and Moscow journals, two books of poetry, leading positions at the publishing house of Academy of Sciences, newspaper «Knizhny Club» and magazine «Ja pokupayu» and even a successful author project of newspaper London Courier… In the very end of ХХ century Igor has finalized his first novel and it was published not anywhere else but in «Novy Mir». And it broke loose! The novel nearly at once was translated into English, awarded a prize of the Fellowship Hawthornden International Writers Retreat (UK), the French got interested with it – and what French! Then the Grand Prix of the All – Russian Competition «Russian Decameron» occurred, other awards and nominations, translations, invitations and offers from publishing houses «Vagrius», Reclam Leipzig, GALLIMARD… Today the personal shelf of our old friend and brother-in- profession, a venerable poet and a yet young novelist includes a dozen of books and collections. The thirteenth number in this line of his large-scale publications may well be considered a feature film, which is already shot and lay on an editor table in the first days of December. Well, it seems Madam Fortune is not at all going to stop on this devil’s dozen. Of course, it has a better vision. v.l.
with its courageous and fresh solution. Thus, in the conditions of abject scarcity of the architectural language and limitations in selection of forms and constructive solutions the architects managed to create real masterpieces, which servetodaymodelsofcontemporary approach towards architecture. object The Ministry of Motor- Roads of the Georgian SSR | end of construction 1976 | customer The Ministry of Motor-Roads of the Georgian SSR | designer/architects G. Chakhava, Z. Dzhalagania | designers Т. Тkhilava, А. Kimberg Igor SakhnovSky: «To hope – only for man…» An artist’s position is in his creative works. And one should not require any other one from him. It’s even stupid. It cannot be simple and unilateral, like «Are you for Bolsheviks or for Communists?» It is a question for idiots. This is a tragic choice of a crowd, a dilemma for a proletarian who has nothing to lose but his chains and so he is compelled to climb up barricades and shoot at his own brothers. An author cannot do this. An artist is the most complex of all rational structures walking on the Earth. He can see more, understands deeper, feels finer and thus expresses his attitude towards the world around in a more complex way, with half- nuances and overtones. For him shades may be sometimes… well, not that they are more important than sense, but more beautiful, delicious, dear, joyful. A writer would not pore over his novel for years if he could tell simply and briefly: I think so and so, this is an ultimate truth for me. And that’s it. Or even – to design an article. Why then to write a novel. As soon as we agreed upon it, the necessity to ask Igor Sakhnovsky leading questions immediately disappeared – he began digging out the suggested topic so deeply and widely as his life and creative experience allowed him. What kind of experience is it? On the one hand, Igor
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