LAB #6(45) 2008
project _ LAB
70°N arkitektur_ СЦЕНАРИЙ ВЗРОСЛЕНИЯ Есть мнение, что многие люди не спешат взрослеть, в их жизни наблюдается обратная тенденция – став старше, они, играют в игры, смотрят мультики и предпочитают непосред- ственное общение, в то же время дети, напротив, стараются повзрослеть раньше времени. Для не совсем повзрослевших даже придумали специальный термин – kidalts. В сложив- шихся обстоятельствах у тех и других больше шансов най- ти общий язык. Возможно, именно этот факт послужил при- чиной особого внимания к детской культуре и архитектуре детских учреждений. фото Ivan Brodey текст Анна Ленгле
70°N arkitektur _ SCENARIO OF MATURING | Photos by Ivan Brodey | Text by Anna Lengle | There is a theory that many people are not really that eager to grow up, so they have the opposite trend in their lives – when they grow older that start playing games, watch cartoons and prefer ingenuous com- munication. At the same time the kids try to grow faster. There is even a special term for the people who don’t want to grow older: kidults. In these circumstances the former and the latter have more chances to find a common ground. Perhaps this is the reason for special attention for children’s culture and architecture of children’s institutions. In Northern Europe, unlike Russia, they pay special attention to kids and the retired. The latter get large pensions and the former get a lot of attention from municipal authorities to development of kindergar- tens and playgrounds. The contest for an exemplary preschool institution in Tromso and the adjacent playground made Norwegian architects put a lot of effort into it. The principles of reorganizing space in existing kindergartens in Tromso already existed. The main mistake of the approach to designing was in the attempt to comprehend the kid’s world from the point of view of adults: most often the authors were thinking how to realize their own needs using their own experience, while they should have been thinking about the needs of the kids. As a result, the end customer, the kids themselves, were not that fascinated. Some guiding principle in how the rooms were organized prevented the young members of the society from understanding he democratic view
№6 _ 45 _ 2008
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