LAB #5(44) 2008
wondering, with always new ideas rounding his head. Always sharp and anxious for doing things right. The experience was short but very inspiring. At the same time I met his fellows friends Demakersvan, who were sharing the same space, also promising talents, with tones of energy, with the desire to make their trade mark clear. Being next to them was like having a shot of adrenaline. All this experience took place in Rotterdam in Marconiland 52, something I will never forget. What themes are interested for you in design and what kind of work would you never take up? I promise my self I will never say never. In your work you concern such important issues of the modern world as loneliness, communication, need to be alone, and harmonious coexistence with oneself and the world. How important is the solution of these issues for you as a person and as a designer? This are questions or wonders that humanity had since the beginning, but as time are changing this questions and wonders get reinterpratated and they need to be reformulated with the details of each era, in this case the modern world were we live. This issues are very important, I think are the basics of a human, the best you know your self the best you can understand what sur- rounds you and why things are happening. Its not that I have the answer, but I like to formulate the questions to make people think, and try to make everybody part of the problem and at the same time part of the solution, I don’t believe the solution reside in just one person, its more a global cooperation, a global state of mind that wants to make things better. In your works – Balonas, Por las ramas, Dream of sand, Evolution, etc. – you strive to use as much natural material as possible. These materials do not influence the nature, but tune to it instead. Is it because of the overall trend? What is your attitude towards common trends? I’m not a fan of trend’s, I believe is a common worry for something’s are happening and people is able to see them and trying to com- municate them to give a solution to it, or at least to be aware about it. The ecology could be seen as a trend and people can catalogue me inside of it, but it never had been my intention to belong to a certain trend. I’m scared of this word because my idea of trend is more about something short and not durable and with out substances, maybe this influences my trends in fashion-design, who have short life. I will like that my message lives longer. How did the idea of the Pump it up project come to you? It started with the idea of symbiosis, and after a very simple and funny experiment that I did with some inflatable toys. With this experiment I could see the reaction of people and I started analyzing the link and attachment it creates to the experiment, this motivated me to keep working focused in the relation that users have with their objects. My main goal came to be to
Кресло Pump it up | Interact Chair «Pump it up», 2007
create an object who creates an instant link with the user, even trying to reach the level of: user and object are all one or need one of each other to exist.(we always have a need from objects, this time the object needs from us to completely exist, in exchange we get live, we get surprise and emotional reaction). What project was surprising for you and made you open your mind to new creative horizons? I couldn’t choose one at this moment. You often oppose private and public things. In your work, do you value solitude or all the ideas are born in dialogue and in passionate discussion? I’m a person of contrast and contradictions, this is shown in many of my works, so in my way of
designing you can also find this duality. I love to have long discussions about the ideas I’m having, this makes me be in a state of confusion and open horizons (everybody has different perspectives and ways of how they will realize the same idea), but it will be nothing with out the moments of completely enclostment and solitude where I try to put all my ideas together to express what I personally want to say. You oppose all cold and lifeless things, you promote the value of hand labor which gives warmth and humanity to the things. How important is the mass production of objects for you? What about their commercial success? I think mass production objects are needed in
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