LAB #4(43) 2008

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verner panton_ Ритм диско фото Luc Boegly Фото предоставлены Andreas Nutz, Vitra Design Museum текст Евгения Бахтурова Бывают такие произведения визуального искусства, ко- торые самим своим существованием задают ритм: они не статичны, линейное или объемное расширение требует от окружения широты обзора, а от зрителя – практически му- зыкального слуха. Ритмичны полотна Ван Гога, Мондриана и Поллока, работы модернистов, причем не только архитекто- ров – что логично, но и дизайнеров, скульптуры Бранкузи и Сера, и, конечно, произведения поп-арта. В эту же компанию попал и Вернер Пантон со своим «домашним ландшафтом».

Verner Panton _ The Disco Rhythm . | Pho- to Luc Boegly | Photo courtesy of Andreas Nutz, Vitra Design Museum | Text Eugenia Bakhturova | There are works of art that create rhythm by their very existence: they are not static. Linear or volume expansion requires wide viewing angle from the en- vironment and almost a good ear for music from the on-looker. Rhythm exists in Van Gogh’s, Mondrian’s and Pollock’s paintings, modernists’ works (not only the architects, which is quite logical, but the design- ers as well) sculptures of Brancusi and Serra, and of course, in pop art works. Verner Panton is also there with his «home landscape» Vision II, which was created in 1970 for one of the exhibitions and is in Cologne for a long time now. This surrealistic interior, where walls, floor, ceiling and furniture items are one single living thing, became a real symbol in 1960s. Panton did not want to invent single original items, but rather strived to create atmosphere. Each item acted as an element of residential environment, being a part of the common concept and conveying a certain mood. The designer called it «interactive


№4 _ 43 _ 2008

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