Генеральный план реконструкции города Москвы

construction, such as, the maximum number of stor- eys, the method of block arrangement, and it also gives a precise program of -colossal work in the con- struction of schools, various social, transport, trading and other buildings. From the point of view of architecture, one of the most important ideas advanced by the plan is the demand for uniformity in the architectural treatment of streets, squares, embankments and parks. The architect is called upon to design and to build not only individual houses, but entire city blocks, squares and streets. Because there is planned socialist econ- omy and no private property in land in the U.S.S.R., Soviet architecture has the broad possibility of creat- ing mighty urban ensembles, each subject to a definite architectural idea and in their totality constituting the body of the socialist city. In realizing these enor- mous and complicated tasks, Soviet architecture is called upon creatively to work over what is best in the entire heritage of classical and modern architec- ture.

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