Генеральный план реконструкции города Москвы
present route, and provision shall be made for the construction of a second circuit railway beyond the city limits to 'relieve the city of all through freight traffic. All the lines of the Moscow railway junction shall be electrified, starting with the electrification of the suburban lines. In accordance with this, the People's Commissariat of Railways shall be instructed to draw up a plan for the reconstruction of the Moscow railway system. The realization of the adopted plan of widening, re- planning and architecturally treating the city of Moscow requires a tremendous amount of work in building and reconstructing its miunicipal services, which will radically improve the cultural and living conditions of the population. The following program of construction and recon- struction of the municipal services of the city of Moscow in the course of ten years (1936-45) and in the course of the next three years (1936-38) submit- ted by the Moscow Committee of the C.P.S.U. and the Moscow Soviet is hereby approved: 1. Within the ten-year period houses totalling 15,000,000 square metres of floor space (approximate- ly 2,500 buildings) shall be built in the city of Mos- cow, of which 3,000,000 square metres (approximate- II. The Construction and Reconstruction of the Munici- pal Services of the City of Moscow
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