Архитектор Уборевич-Боровский


Designed for the accommodation of scholars and professors of the Skolk- ovo Innovation Centre, the complex is located in Mozhaysky District, Mos- cow, and takes up the area of 10,500 sq. m. The architects were commis- sioned to design two buildings forming a single architectural ensemble, with residential apartments in the first one and a Professors’ Club in the oth- er one. The buildings are linked with each other by a glazed walkway and offer completely independent, fully functional infrastructure. The proj- ect envisages active use of roofs as recreational and walking areas. This applies both to the residential building with a covered arcade on the roof and the community building with recreation areas, a library, meeting rooms and conference halls, and halls for banquets and other events in- side it. The objective to create a uniform architectural and spatial environ- ment was achieved, in particular, through the focus on the landscape. Thus,



the shape of the main building reflects the curve of the motorway laid along the complex. Special attention has also been paid to public spaces that play an important role in the life of any research and education cen- tre. The Professors’ Club as one of the main elements of the plan structure is in this case not only a meeting point for teachers and students but also a symbol of the scientific community who get together under one roof for teamwork, joint recreation and networking after classes.

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