Архитектор Уборевич-Боровский
The multimedia museum and exhibition space was built on the site at the intersection of Ostozhenka Street and Lopukhinsky Lane developed back in the 19th century. The architects were required to «pack» in this small space a museum with an area of 8000 sq. m, and to integrate the new building in the historic context of the city. The size of the museum was one of the elements that helped protect the historically established image of the Ostozhenka neighbourhood: as compared with the sites around, the new building was a compromise in terms of its height and the number of storeys. Secondly, the façade of the museum is aligned with the «red line» of the existing buildings. This solution has been instrumental in pre- serving the visual perspectives that had emerged many centuries earlier. The buildings of the new Museum have a common atrium and a single roof plane, which helps see them as an ensemble. The main façade has
a laconic design and fits into the surrounding context perfectly well. The architects made sure that all needs of the museum in terms of transport access and parking are catered for. In this project, Boris Uborevich-Boro- vsky has demonstrated the main principle that he adheres to when working in a historic environment: an archi- tect is free to do things his or her way where the project involves reconstruction rather than restoration. While being mindful of the context in which the new building will be integrated. The architects were able to create a completely new space on a historic site that was designed in the contemporary spirit but did not conflict with the existing urban environment.
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