Архитектор Уборевич-Боровский
Visually the building is a harmonious combination of three structures of similar shapes but different sizes cov- ered with separate pitched roofs. The content, in turn, is coordinated with the outside shapes: the public, pri- vate and business functions are discreetly distributed across different zones of the building. The first floor of- fers a living room with a fireplace, a dining room, and an open-air sundeck integrated into a single space that continues the line of the façade, with clear functional zoning. The kitchen is separated from the dining room with a bar counter, which implies that the owners are free to decide how they pass their time. Whatever for- mat is chosen, be it a relaxing evening by the fireplace, a dinner with guests, a family lunch or a cocktail par- ty, the space easily adapts to the specific circumstances like a Lego set. The second floor of the building is a personal, private space. It is no accident that the bathroom is openly positioned in one of the biggest spac- es in the house – the master bedroom. In this context, it looks like a real art object that symbolizes preemi- nence of the personal, the private over the public. The height of the ceilings, the panoramic windows, the el- egant furniture, and a large number of textiles in the form of airy, translucent curtains fully covering two corner walls – all these details and solutions enabled the architect to imbue the space designed for sleep with a kind of sacred meaning. Humans spend a significant part of their life sleeping, and the architect’s desire to create the ultimate comfort for this essential part of human existence looks only logical.
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